Thursday, December 18, 2008

Icicles and Donuts

Ice Storm! As I sit and type, I can hear the ice pellets bouncing off the roof of our house. Here we go! Come visit the midwest and experience an ice storm LIVE and IN PERSON! So exciting. What would really cap it all off is if the electric goes out and we are stuck with 2 little kiddies in a freezing house with no generator. Or maybe there is a generator here. Hm. Doubtful. We're staying at a guest house that my family's company keeps for use of sales people who travel here from out-of-town.
So our pending trip to The Windy City tomorrow morning isn't looking too good. I wonder if they are being hit by something right now also? I really was lucky tonite, as I was hanging with my parents - watching a Xmas movie and wrapping gifts - and just left ~30 minutes ago. The freezing rain actually began during my drive back to the house. Phew! That was a close one.

Omg, I just realized that we might be trapped in this house tomorrow with 4 lbs of chocolates. :D Too bad it is supposed to warm up into the 40's and melt the ice later in the day! What a great excuse..

Jewish. To all of my Jewish friends, I wish you a Happy Hanukkah! This year, Hanukkah begins at sundown on Sunday December 21 and ends at nightfall on Monday December 29. Maya loves the song 'Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel' - sung as only Barney can sing it.
Jokes. I LOVE stand-up comedy. Here's a clip-o-the-day:
"I notice that there are no 'B' batteries. I think that's to avoid confusion. Because if there were, you wouldn't know when someone was stuttering. " ~ Demetri Martin

Krispy Kreme. o m g. Need I really say more??
Well.. I'm going to. This reminds me of last year, when my favorite uncle - my mom's younger brother, Jim - passed away unexpectedly at the age of 58. :( Oo.. I should have done 'Jim' for the letter 'J'. Oh well. Anyhow..

So one of my favorite stories of all time about Jim (and there were oooh soooo many stories!) was when he was a teenager and landed a job as a delivery boy for a local donut shop. Jim, who was notorious throughout his life for eating-escapades, was more than thrilled. On his first day on the job - he ate 71 donuts.
No, that is not a typo.
After Jim's funeral last October, I bought 71 Krispy Kreme donuts to commemorate his life. I didn't EAT all of them.. but I shared them (and the story) with everyone at the post-funeral gathering. It brought a smile to everyone's face and left another fun memory of Jim with his friends and family. He would have loved it. Ahh.. we miss you Uncle Jim! Still expect to see you walk thru the door.

Mmm. Krispy Kremes. Wonder if they are open during ice storms...


Candice said...

Love Krispy Kreme! I also enjoy being stranded with my family in snow storms...when the power stays on. :) That's happened to us a couple of different Chistmases. I'm glad your girls are enjoying the Christmas holiday!


Peter and Nancy said...

I love that you brought the donuts to hiss memorial service. What a great tribute. Thanks for keeping up with the alphabet -- it's fun to see what you come up with. :o)
-- Nancy