A little update on Maya ~
She is turning more and more into a little girl! Yesterday was the first time I have ever seen her actually walk down the stairs in our house by herself without holding onto anything! Yay! Her gross motor skills have been a tad behind, so it is nice to see her catching up to kids her age. I actually just saw her do it again with a different set of stairs.. so I am glad to see she is gaining confidence.
Maya's nanny left on Wednesday for a 10-day trip to Hawaii (I know - WHAT?!). It has actually been nice to spend the past few days with Maya.. just the two of us (dad is in the middle of a huge project that is causing him to work ~18 hr days, so we haven't seen him much lately). I notice such a big difference actually. No big meltdowns, no sleep issues, much less whining. She is noticeably happier. Now I wonder.. is the difference just that we have spent this time together, or because I am having a better attitude/giving off less stress-vibes because I know that I am not going to get any work done and I'm choosing to see this time as a vacation of sorts? It's all about the mom, right? That's what the psychiatrists say eh? Yep.. it's probably me. Inspiration to work harder on putting aside work stress when enjoying family time in the future.
So yesterday we are in the car and on our way to the pet store to visit the animals. We had one of those conversations that surprise me.
Me: 'I like the birds. I think I would like to have a pet bird'.
Maya: 'I would like a bird too.'
Me: 'Maybe we could get a bird for Xmas this year.'
Maya: 'I will ask Santa for you, mom.'
And today before dance class (which, btw, is sooo darn cute!):
Me: 'Maya, we need to comb your hair.'
Maya: 'No, we don't need to comb my hair - it looks fine mom.'
And later today in the car..
Maya: 'I'm going to have a grande latte mom!'
Oops. Obviously we've gone to Starbux a few too many times together!
Hopefully we can get to my hometown soon so that my parents can hang a little with Maya and see how much she has grown up since Xmas (when they last saw her). Mom got some not-happy news from her PET scan this week.. the cancer is back. :(( It's still only in her bones, which is a plus. She started chemo again yesterday. Such a downer though, as her hair had just gotten back to normal and now she'll lose it again. I'm on the lookout for some cute hats for her. It's never fun to wear hats during the hot summer months. Poor mom. She needs some entertainment from a chatty 2 1/2-yr-old!
Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone! Have a fun, safe weekend!
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